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November 2024

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  • 6x More Hair than Drugs

    6 x more hair

    than drugs

  • Natural Hair Regeneration

    natural hair

  • Safe and Drug Free

    safe and

    drug free

As Seen On

Active hair regrowth in 6 months


Hair loss is caused by DHT which interrupts the regular hair production cycle. This disruption causes hair follicles to shrink over time until they stop regrowing hair.

The niostem wearable counteracts this miniaturization process by reactivating follicle growth via bioelectrical stimulation.


By using our targeted Stem Cell Reactivation Technology (SCRT), hair stem cells on the scalp are reignited back into action mode.

They start multiplying into progenitor cells, thus triggering hair follicle growth.


The niostem wearable enables the body to restore it’s natural, physiological hair regeneration cycle.

The outcome are stronger hair follicles which can grow healthier and thicker hair.

Active hair regrowth in 6 months

  • Activation

    Bio-electrical stimulation is used to reactivate hair follicle stem cells, which are the underlying factor for hair growth.

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  • Growth

    By stimulating the hair stem cells they start multiplying into progenitor cells, thus activating growth of the hair follicle inspite of DHT.

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  • Outcome

    Re-activated folliciles start growing again. Thus producing healthier and thicker hair.

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Breakthrough science for real results



Julius, 31 years

“I participated in the pilot study with no expectations and just hope. After 3 months I have seen less hair on my pillow or the bath sink but was still sceptical. After 6 months the team showed me the before/after pictures and I was blown away!”



Max, 36 years

“After 4 months of usage I was not sure whether it works for me, but when my hair dresser asked me what I am doing with my hair, I knew that I am on to something.”

Guaranteed results in 6 months - Or money back




30 mins









niostem clinical validation 2021/22*


Launching in
November 2024

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Smart technology, intelligent design

  • Easy Home Use Easy Home Use >

    Easy home-use

  • aria-labelledby="sustainableresults" Sustainable Results

    Sustainable results

  • aria-labelledby="developedbyscientists" Developed by Scientists

    Developed by scientists

Natural hair regeneration is the future

Easy to use, 30 min/day

Working with the best institutions

“niostem regenerative technology offers a novel approach to combat hair loss without the use of medications.”

Dr. Karl Moser

Founder and CEO
Moser Medical, Austria

“The use of hair stem cell technologies against pattern baldness is one of the most promising new appproaches in the field.”

Dr. Vañó-Galván, MD PhD

Dermatologists, Hair Expert & hair Surgeon
Head of Hair Disorders Unit at Ramón y Cajal University Hospital
Secretary General of The European Hair Research Society, Spain

Take back control of your hair

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