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niostem wearable

World’s first device to reverse hair loss in 6 months, without pharma like side-effects.

Guaranteed results in 6 months - or
money back

    • Stopping Hair Loss Within 3 Months
    • Active Regrowth Within 6 Months
    • No Pharma Side-Effects
    • 30 min daily, use anywhere
    • App controlled incl. smart sensors
    • Cable free
    Regular price
    Sale price
    Regular price
    Pre-Sales Price * (23% OFF)

    3365 /100 remaining

    Regular price

    *Exclusive Pre-Sales Price: incl. tax, limited time offer

    “I am a hair surgeon & a trichologist and I have tested the niostem device on 3 patients. The technology is impressive and can help many people with hair loss. I have seen great results and believe it being a great addition before & after hair transplantations.”

    Dr. Ellen Neto, MD

    Hair Surgeon & Trichologist
    CEO | Garden Clinic, Brazil
    niostem wearable
    niostem wearable
    niostem wearable
    niostem wearable
    niostem wearable
    niostem wearable
    niostem wearable

    19% more hair in just 6 months

    • 100%

      stopped hair loss

    • 19.3%

      avg. increase in hair density

    • 9.1%

      avg. increase in hair thickness

    Let customer speak for us

    Giacomo Orseolo Ferro

    Product Finally Received

    “Device feels premium and durable (heavier than expected), but makes a good impression.
I am very eager to start!”

    Giacomo Orseolo Ferro

    23.04.24 Verified Buyer
    Alex G.

    More Hair in 6 Months

    “I can whole heartedly say that I am amazed by the results! I have accomplished more in 6 months with this device than with 5 years of Finasteride.”

    Alex G.

    07.05.24 Verified Buyer
    Thomas R.

    Effective Against Hair Loss

    “I am a Pilot User who started in 2023 and I am very happy with the results - 18.5% more hair density at final trichoscopy check end of April. I will definitely continue and try to regrow as much hair as I can.”

    Thomas R.

    11.05.2024 Verified Buyer

    How Pre-Orders Work

    We are happy to announce that we successfully delivered 2,400 devices!
    Important: New orders will be shipped in March 2025.
    All pre-orders are guaranteed to be delivered or you get your money back.


    Pre-orders end in February 2025


    Early Bird Discount 23% valid until February 2025


if we don't stop your hair loss and activate regrowth!


    FREE priority shipping March 2025

    As Seen On

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 36 reviews
    Une vraie arnaque

    Au delà du prix qui est prohibitif j’utilise ce casque depuis un mois mais avec beaucoup d’instabilités au niveau de l’application
    Aujourd'hui elle refuse de fonctionner et le casque est inutilisable évidemment
    Ne donnez pas d’argent à ces gens là !

    Effective Solution for Hair Loss – Highly Recommend!

    I've been using Niostem for over a year now, and I’m absolutely thrilled! My hair loss is finally under control, and I can see my hair becoming stronger and healthier. I’m even noticing new hair growth, which makes me so happy. The device is easy to use and has completely exceeded my expectations. I can wholeheartedly recommend Niostem to anyone looking to tackle hair loss. Thank you for this amazing product! 🙌

    Wolfgang Födinger
    First impressions

    Hello, I’ve been using Niostem for a week now, and I’m very satisfied with the device and the app. The instructions are very clear and explain everything in detail, including the money-back guarantee. The wearing comfort is okay and gets better with each use as you get used to the device. I’m already looking forward to seeing the results regarding my hair growth.

    Best regards,
    Wolfgang Födinger
    Linz, Austria

    Philipp Mayer
    Innovative Lösung nicht nur gegen Haarausfall, sondern auch für Haarnachwuchs

    Auf der Suche nach einer nachhaltigen Lösung für meinen Haarausfall habe ich in den letzten sechs Jahren schon etliche Methoden ausprobiert und dabei ein kleines Vermögen (etwa 7.000€) ausgegeben.

    Ob Koffeinshampoos, DHT-Blocker, Biotin-Kapseln, Dermaroller, Minoxidil (topisch und oral), PRP-Behandlungen oder sogar eine sündhaft teure Haartransplantation – keines dieser Verfahren konnte mich überzeugen.

    Meine Haare sind trotz aller Mühe und hoher Kosten noch immer nicht ansatzweise dicht. Weitere Haare fallen aus.

    Umso neugieriger war ich, als ich im Internet auf Niostem gestoßen bin, ein Produkt, welches auf jahrelanger Grundlagenforschung – sowie deutschem Erfindergeist – beruht und mit einem revolutionären Ansatz wirbt:

    Mit einer innovativen Technologie soll nicht nur der Haarausfall gestoppt und bestehendes Haar in Dichte und Dicke verbessert werden, wie es auch alternative Methoden versprechen.

    Erstmals soll durch die Reaktivierung ruhender Stammzellen auch Haarnachwuchs an kahlen Stellen ermöglicht werden, die längst als verloren galten.

    Für Betroffene könnte Niostem daher der entscheidende Wendepunkt sein.

    Besonders überzeugt hat mich auch, dass man mit dem Kauf des Produktes von Niostem kein Risiko eingeht.

    Das Unternehmen bietet eine Leistungsgarantie, die zeigt, wie sehr Niostem selbst von der Wirksamkeit seiner Technologie überzeugt ist.

    Diese vertrauensbildende Maßnahme gibt mir als Anwender ein gutes Gefühl.

    Mittlerweile habe ich das Gerät etwa eine Woche im Einsatz.

    Die zugehörige App macht die Nutzung einfach und fügt sich gut in meinen Alltag ein.

    Das Design ist modern und schlicht, wirkt gut durchdacht und ist aus langlebigen Materialien gefertigt.

    Auch der Kundenservice verdient großes Lob:
    Alle meine Fragen wurden freundlich, schnell und kompetent beantwortet.
    Man fühlt sich als Kunde wertgeschätzt, was heutzutage keineswegs mehr selbstverständlich ist.

    Ich bin gespannt auf die langfristigen Ergebnisse der Anwendung von Niostem und darauf, wie diese Technologie den Kampf gegen den Haarausfall in Zukunft weiter revolutionieren wird!

    Philipp Mayer
    Niostem: Innovative solution not only for hair loss, but also for hair regrowth

    In my search for a sustainable solution to my hair loss, I have tried a number of methods over the last six years and spent a small fortune (around €7,000) in the process.

    Caffeine shampoos, DHT blockers, biotin capsules, dermarollers, minoxidil (topical and oral), PRP treatments and even an outrageously expensive hair transplant - none of these methods have convinced me.

    Despite all my efforts and high costs, my hair is still not even close to being thick.
    More hair is falling out.

    I was all the more curious when I came across Niostem on the internet, a product that is based on years of pioneering research - as well as German ingenuity - and advertises a revolutionary approach:

    Using an innovative technology, it not only aims to stop hair loss and improve the density and thickness of existing hair, as alternative methods also promise to do.

    For the first time, the reactivation of dormant stem cells should also enable hair regrowth in bald areas that have long been considered lost.

    For those affected, Niostem could therefore be the decisive turning point.

    I was also particularly convinced by the fact that there is no risk involved in buying a product from Niostem.

    The company offers a performance guarantee, which shows how confident Niostem itself is in the effectiveness of its technology.

    This confidence-building measure gives me as a user a good feeling.

    I have now been using the device for about a week. The accompanying app makes it easy to use and fits in well with my everyday life.

    The design is modern and simple, looks well thought out and is made from durable materials.

    The customer service also deserves praise: all my questions were answered in a friendly, fast and competent manner.

    One feels valued as a customer, which is no longer a common practice these days.

    I'm looking forward to the long-term results and how this technology will continue to revolutionize the fight against hair loss in the future!

    Dou you want to reverse hair loss?


    Stem cell reactivation Technology (SCRT)

    Reactivate the growth of your hair


    Personalized Stimulation

    Reactivate the growth of your hair


    Full Scalp Coverage

    Reactivate the growth of your hair


    No Nasty Side - Effects

    Not interferrring with your hormones

    • 5
    • Highly Accurate

      Target balding areas spot-on

    Dou you want to reverse hair loss?

    • 1
    • Stem cell reactivation Technology (SCRT)

      Reactivate the growth of your hair

    • 2
    • Full Scalp

      Reactivate the growth of your hair

    • 3
    • Personalized

      Reactivate the growth of your hair

    • 4
    • No Nasty Side -

      Reactivate the growth of your hair

    • 5
    • Highly Accurate

      Not interferrring with your hormones

    Use it anytime, anywhere

    • Easy to use

    • Smart

    • Safe

    As easy as it gets: Science put into an APP

    Bluetooth connectivity ensures live sensor data processing on the App

    Logs your sessions and keeps track of your daily progress

    Enables you to schedule session reminders to achieve your weekly goals

    Ensure stable scalp-electrode connectivity guaranteeing results

    Compatible with Android 11+ and IOS 13+

    Packed with smart features

    It takes two to tackle hair loss – paired seamlessly our bundle is the smart option to re-activating your hair stem cells. When you decide to use niostem, you get a cutting-edge wearable with innovative sensors that’s connected to a multifunctional app. This ensures best results and makes niostem your best choice for hair growth.

    30 min daily
    from anywhere


    delivering stimulation

    20 hrs. battery life

    Track progress
    through App